Step 1: Choosing the right pot - Choosing the right pot is a crucial aspect of repotting a Bonsai. The pot should be slightly larger than the current pot, and it should have good drainage. Pots with drainage holes are best because they prevent water from pooling, which can lead to root rot.
Step 2 - Removing the tree from the old pot - Before you can replant your Bonsai, you need to take it out of its old pot. This step takes care because the roots can be incredibly delicate. Start by loosening the soil around the roots, and then gently lift the tree out of the pot. If the soil is tightly compacted, it's essential to use a small rake to loosen it up gently, so as not to damage the roots.
Step 3: Pruning the roots- Once you have removed the Bonsai from its old pot, you need to prune the roots. Pruning the roots helps to encourage new growth and ensures that the tree doesn't get root-bound in its new pot. Use sharp scissors to trim away any roots that look dead or damaged. Removing about ⅓ of the roots is typically a good rule of thumb.
Step 4: Repotting the tree -Prepare the new pot by adding a layer of fresh soil at the bottom, taking care not to pack it tightly. Create a small mound in the center of the pot to give your Bonsai tree a higher spot to grow. Place the Bonsai in its new pot gently, ensuring that its roots can reach the soil beneath the mound. Fill the pot with fresh soil, taking care not to overpack it. Ensure that the tree is securely placed.
Step 5: Watering the newly repotted tree - After you've repotted the Bonsai tree, it's essential to give it plenty of water. Fill the pot until the water starts dribbling out of the drainage holes. Watering the tree will help settle the soil and ensure that the roots are making proper contact with the soil.

Repotting a Bonsai tree requires a gentle touch, but following these simple steps can ensure that your tree remains healthy and growing. Most importantly, you must choose the right pot and soil mix so that your Bonsai tree can thrive. By following these steps, you can understand the art of correctly repotting a Bonsai, and your tree will benefit from the love and care you provide. With enough patience and practice, you can continue to care for your Bonsai tree for years to come.